These are a selection of the letters that were made using existing objects, ready-mades, rubbish or temporarily constructed from possessions. All creative methods that minimise use of materials and waste.
“d” - I rolled different types of lego tyres across the page
“f” - Using my children’s wooden trainset, and with their help, we created the curl and swoop of the ‘f’ as if handwritten
“h”- I rolled an inked rubber ball across the paper repeatedly to create an unpredictable form
“K” - Using re-usable foam, I printed the forms using the shapes observed from stone cut lettering
“l” - photographed a balloon, a readymade object
“n” - A sheet of readymade sticky dots with all surplus dots removed to reveal the letter
“O” - Using the same rubber diamond shape repeatedly printed in different colours & orientations
“p” - Simply created the letter from the spirograph parts and pins
“Q” - A 1990s colouring pad found in a charity shop was the basis for selecting parts to colour to create the letter
“t” - Using fuzzy felt to construct a temporary letter with layered parts
“v” -
I photocopied a paperback book on its end and layered three images of it
“x” - Potato printing to create the negative shape of the letterform.